Rabu, 20 Mei 2015



Instruksi Instalasi
Sebelum menghubungkan perangkat ke UPS, ground (tanah) dan garis netral tidak boleh terhubung singkat.

figure 1

Jika netral dan garis tanah(ground) terhubung singkat, silakan tambahkan isolasi transformator antara UPS dan perangkat. (lihat gambar 2)

figure 2

Garis netral  input dan garis netral output tidak boleh di gabungkan  , hal itu akan menyebabkan kerusakan UPS. (lihat gambar 3).

  • Jangan menghubungkan peralatan (beban) diluar kapasitas daya ups, sehingga menyebabkan Ups Overload (kelebihan beban).
  • Pemasangan instalasi kabel harus pada posisinya sehingga tidak mengganggu.
  • The UPS can be operated by any individuals with no previous experience.
  • Connect the UPS system only to an earthed shockproof outlet which must be easily accessible and close to the UPS system.
  • Please use only VDE-tested, CE-marked mains cable (e.g. the mains cable of your computer) to connect the UPS system to the building wiring outlet (shockproof outlet).
  •  Please use only VDE-tested, CE-marked power cables to connect the loads to the UPS system.
  •  When installing the equipment , it should ensure that the sum of the leakage current of the UPS and the connected devices does not exceed 3.5mA.

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